A Body at TheraMotion, stays in Motion.

Osteoporosis: what do I need to know?

Osteoporosis is a disorder affecting the bones in the body. Derived from Greek, osteoporosis quite literally means the loss of bones. While osteoporosis is a very common condition, it can also be dangerous for those affected because of the loss of bone mass. This loss of bone mass leads to increased risk of broken bones and other bone injuries.

Symptoms of osteoporosis include, but are not limited to, the following:

– Back pain
– Fractured bones
– Reduced height

Risk factors for developing osteoporosis are:

– Poor diet and exercise regimen
– Gender; females are generally more likely to develop the condition of osteoporosis
– Smokers
– Excessive drinkers
– Women with low estrogen levels

Fortunately, there are ways to prevent osteoporosis. These methods include a diet high in fruits and vegetables, regular exercise, and a diet that includes foods rich in Vitamin D and Calcium, which promote bone growth and strength.

If you would like to learn more about Theramotion’s work with osteoporosis patients, please contact us at 718-279-9800. Additionally, you can fill out contact information on our Contact Us page and we will get back to you.
